
SGC Frankfurt


The Structural Genomics Consortium at the Goethe University Frankfurt (SGC Frankfurt) is a research node of the SGC, a global public private partnership that supports the discovery of new medicines through open-access research. The SGC catalyses new research areas of human biology by providing high resolution structure information, assay systems and chemical tools. The main focus of the SGC node in Frankfurt are protein kinases, proteins regulating the ubiquitin system as well as epigenetic mechanisms. (Read more about our research focus)


SGC aims to understand the function(s) of all proteins encoded by the human genome and accelerate the discovery of new medicines.


The site coordinates the Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) Program EUbOPEN and it is a partner in the Target2035 initiative, two large international efforts which aim to develop and openly distribute chemical probes for every protein in the human proteome.


SGC’s vision is to mobilize and inspire a global community to work toward its mission.


The SGC is engaged in pre-competitive research to facilitate the discovery of new medicines. As part of its mission the SGC is generating unencumbered reagents. The SGC believes that its output will have maximal benefit if released into the public domain without restriction on use, and thus has adopted the following Open Access policy.


The SGC and its scientists are committed to making their research outputs (materials and knowledge) available without restriction on use. This means that the SGC will promptly place its results in the public domain and will not agree to file for patent protection on any of its research outputs. It will seek the same commitment from any research collaborator.


Funding acknowledgement

The Structural Genomics Consortium is a registered charity (no: 1097737) that receives funds from Bayer AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Genentech, Genome Canada through Ontario Genomics Institute [OGI-196], EU/EFPIA/OICR/McGill/KTH/Diamond Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking [EUbOPEN grant 875510], Janssen, Merck KGaA (aka EMD in Canada and US), Pfizer and Takeda.